MotionCam Outdoor HighMount (PhOD) Jeweller
Artikelnummer 241958Spezifikationen
Hersteller-Nummer | 99164.282.WH1 |
EAN/GTIN | 4823114015717 |
Serie | Baseline |
Farbe | weiß |
Hersteller | Ajax |
Installationsort | Outdoor |
Sensortype | Impulsradar, PIR |
Stromversorgung | Batterie CR123 3V |
Weitere Produktinformationen
Photo verification
MotionCam Outdoor HighMount (PhOD) Jeweller has a built-in camera to quickly assess the situation at the protected facility. There are four types of photo verification available: by alarm, by scenario, by schedule, and on demand. The user can request and view photos with a single click in the Ajax app.
- For outdoor installation at a 2-4 m hieght from the ground
- Adjustable motion detection range using the angle mount
- 85° vertical viewing angle with no blind spots under the detectom
- 115° horizontal viewing angle
- IR sensors alarm verification via a Ka-band microwave sensom
- Three sensitivity levels adjustable through the Ajax ap
- Correlation and spectral analysis to prevent false alarms~
- Effective motion detection with temperature compensation from –25 °C to +60 °C
- Up to 1,700 m of wireless communication range in an open spac0
- Block cipher encryption for advanced data protectio-
- Anti-masking system that meets Grade 2 requirements
- Tamper alarm and built-in accelerometer notify of attempts to dismantle the devic0
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