
SKU 203993
8 channel Active Receiver UTP Card, 900m, up to 1800m with active transmitters


Manufacturer order number TR560X8
Brand Nitek
Model board
Operation mode active
Protection rating n/a
Range 900 m
Signal transmission video
Type of unit receiver

Additional Productinformation

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es bei unserem US-Hersteller Nitek aufgrund der nachlassenden Verfügbarkeit älterer Bauteile, insbesondere analoger Video-Komponenten, zu Lieferverzögerungen kommen kann. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.

Main Features

  • Modular active video receiver card
  • High resolution colour or monochrome video
  • 8 Twisted pair inputs / 8 1Vpp outputs
  • Active electronics compensate for frequency&level loss
  • Built-in protection from power surge
  • Immunity to static and other interference
  • Complete immunity to ground loop
  • Video detect LED's for each receiver
  • Optimized for 24AWG Cat cable
  • For distances up to 1800m (Point-to-point wiring)

